*Terms and Conditions
Offer applicable to Stage One Dentals conducted between 01.01.2025 to 31.03.2025.
Available to any pet requiring Stage One Dental treatment as described by CVC (i.e. full mouth examination and tooth charting under general anaesthesia, scale and polish, and full mouth X-rays).
Available weekdays only, Monday to Friday, with only one Stage One Dental authorised per day (unless same owner).
Discounts applied to Stage One Dental fee current at time of offer: Cats £375, Dogs £437.
Any dental extractions and/or oral surgery required (i.e. Stage Two Dental) will be estimated by the vet and charged at current clinic rates (no discount available, unless PHC 10% off).
i) Stage Two Dentals are generally performed as a separate procedure, to avoid unnecessarily long anaesthetic times and the patient safety risks associated with this. This also avoids any price deviations from what has been estimated, maintaining our fixed Stage One Dental fee offer.
Discounts also applicable to pre-anaesthetic blood testing (PABT) where this is clinically recommended (i.e. patients >8 years of age), or those with underlying health concerns.
In cases of abnormal PABT results, the planned Stage One Dental may require cancellation based on veterinary advice, and alternative treatments or investigations implemented.
i) Full charge PABT will be applicable in these cases, as will any associated fees following the revised care plan as discussed and agreed between the vet in charge and the client.
The vet in charge relates to our Theatre vet assigned to perform your pet’s dental procedure.
Should IV fluid therapy be recommended/required for your pet’s Stage One Dental procedure, then offer discounts will also apply to these (i.e. 25% off, plus additional 10% off for PHC members).
Stage One Dentals may be performed by our trained Registered Veterinary Nurses, under the direction and supervision of the vet in charge.
Full payment is required at the time of patient discharge.