Just like us, your pet’s health will start to deteriorate as he/she ages. This may be observed in numerous ways, such as changes in:
- His/her behaviour and mentation (cognitive dysfunction)
- Body condition (either storing more body fat, or losing it, as well as muscle mass)
- Coat, skin, and claw condition
- Stiffness and reduce mobility (often related to osteoarthritis problems)
- Bowel and urinary tract function, and loss of control
- Oral health and dental disease
- Eye health and a reduction in vision (blindness)
- His/her ability to hear (deafness)
- Organ function, such as kidneys, liver, and heart
- The development of skin and subcutaneous masses and tumours
- Breathing and other respiratory problems
- Cardiovascular function
- Appetite (increased with conditions such as diabetes and hyperthyroidism, and decreased with hypothyroidism, for example)
- Urogenital health, such as prostatic disease (male dogs) or uterine disease (most commonly Pyometra, in unspayed female dogs and cats)
Early detection of these changes gives us the best opportunity to manage them promptly and appropriately, which in turn may improve your pet’s quality of life and promote longevity.